Hawthorn Extract (Fat-Reducing)



Back in stock, with slightly updated packaging!

These Hawthorn Fat-Reducing Tablets (Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Pian) are recommended by practitioners for its ability to burn fat and increase metabolism by supporting cardiovascular health and improving digestion. The main ingredient, hawthorn berry, is one of the most frequently recommended traditional Chinese medicine remedies for fat reduction and digestive issues.

Hawthorn has also been used in Western medicine for congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat--in Germany, hawthorn extract has been approved for use as a prescription medication to improve chronic heart failure, as it supports cardiovascular health. It is also used for blood pressure, blood glucose levels, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), and high cholesterol.

Studies show that in animals fed high-fat diets, hawthorn extract reduced body weight and fat build-up. Sugar taken from hawthorn berry also promoted the growth of obesity-fighting gut bacteria, suggesting its potential as a weight-loss prebiotic.

Each tablet is 100 mg and there are 100 tablets per bottle. Vegan.

Instructions: take 2 tablets 2-3x daily (4 to 6 tablets per day total)